So, here we are! The adventure that started on 3/20/14 concludes its incarnation as a story told in Live time of a cross-country move. Here's a little recap of the concluding timeline:
Tomorrow a co-worker will drive me to the baggage station with: one purple steamer trunk and two small boxes containing manuscripts, notebooks and personal papers. To travel more lightly and economically, I got rid of two boxes containing 99% of my books, plus all my DVDS...and CDs except for Queen. Though I've continued paring down the trunk, I can't know its packed weight till I reach the station--and more stuff may have to go to stay under the 50# limit.
The first of the three trains I'll take leaves Charlotte Monday, 9/1, at 7 p.m and I'll stay overnight in Washington DC before boarding train #2 on Tuesday.\
Wednesday I'll board train #3, a spacious superliner that will offer the journey's real fun.
Friday, 9/5, I arrive in Seattle, where I'll spend at least 3 nights in a good hotel, hoping my Seattle studio is ready by the 8th or 9th.
Sunday, 9/7, I begin work at my employer's Seattle location.
What a ride it's been so far! Come back to this opening 'movement' of the Seattle adventure from time to time for a quick reminder of the planning and action required to pull off my cross-country move. Then return to your life adventures, refreshed.
This blog will remain active, but in a different form, once I've settled in Seattle. You can look forward to either monthly or bi-weekly Seattle Chronicles. See you soon!
How I love the Cool Gray City of Quintessential Funk.
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