Old Town

Old Town
Pioneer Square

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Introduction: Personal Applications

Arranged in alphabetical order are possible ways to link your quests to mine.

The list will grow as we go along.

Attitude, Positive
Suggested reading: Block 4: Mastering the Seattle Quickstep, Parts 1-3
Application: Behave like a star to become one. Though important from the start, this principle comes into play, with urgency, in Middle Time. The more tired you feel, the more tired you act...until the circle brings you round into complete exhaustion. Intercept the circle with willed but free-spirited quicksteps as outlined in this block. Learn to make it look easy and you will prevail.

Baggage, Excess
Suggested reading: Block 1: Zen and the Art of the Purple Steamer Trunk.
Application: It'll do you no good to pare down two tons of physical clutter if you're weighed down by personal baggage. Take the necessary time to take out your internal garbage as well: the old gang of grievances, grudges and guilts. Take care to insure that your feelings and thoughts are as lovingly and neatly packed as a purple steamer trunk.

(See Attitude, Positive. This is the magic ingredient that is your ace in the hole.)

Suggested reading: Block 5: Action Hero Checkists 1 and 2.
Application: No matter how well we plan anything--a cross-country move, a job hunt or a book--we never end up being quite as prepared as we'd hoped. If we're to take advantage of an opportunity, suddenly we need to step up the pace...and we cannot afford any slip-ups. Checklists, such as the two you'll find here, can help you stay on point and giver your confidence a boost.

Suggested reading: Block 3: Working Seattle Cross Country: Part 2.
Application: The principle here, Pay the Man, could be called the better half of Protect the Plan. (See Plans and Protection of Plans below.) You grow as you go if your spirit is enriched by the payment you choose. Ask how you'll gain choosing this over that. And Pay the Man according to whether you would rather slither or fly.

Creative Visualization
Suggested reading: Block 2: How to See Seattle.
Application: In one way or another, you'll have to see your Seattle if you're to accomplish your goal. For any adventuresome journey is a form of setting sail. Whether you're starting a novel or searching for a new job...whether you're quitting smoking or trying to lose twenty pounds...sooner or later, you know this is true, the kind winds will abandon your sails. You'll need to row--or rot in place. And you'll need clear pictures in your mind of yourself succeeding. There's no mumbo jumbo involved here. If you see yourself failing, you're going to fail. If you see your Seattle, you'll there.

Editing Your Writing
Suggested reading: Block 1: Zen and the Art of the Purple Steamer Trunk.
Application: Many first drafts end up being twice as long as the final draft. The editing process entails getting rid of stylistic trash and clutter. The process grows more delicate as you go along. For you need to be careful to keep the right things--the things that are far more than 'stuff.' This means sorting and discarding with a keen sense of purpose.

Pacing Yourself and Putting on Speed
Suggested reading: Block 4: Mastering the Seattle Quickstep
Application: In any endeavor there will come a time, no matter how artful your planning, when you have to put on speed. So pace yourself in the beginning, don't rush. Follow your game plan as well as you can. Then...be prepared to hustle! Let there be nothing frantic about it. Be poised and graceful and quick. Attitude is everything at this stage of your quest.

Plans and Protection of Plans
Suggested reading: Block 3: Working Seattle Cross Country: Parts 1 and 2.
Application: You may have a thousand things to do on any given day. And the list may overwhelm you...unless you have an overriding master principle or two. In this block you'll find two three-letter mantras to simplify your life and help keep you on track. Part 1 presents the first mantra: PTP (Protect the Plan): in moments of doubt or crisis, remind yourself to PTP...and speak or act accordingly. Part 2 presents the companion: PTM (Pay the Man): in one way or another we all have to pay--for whatever we do or don't do, whatever we say or don't day. Take a day off from your novel, if you absolutely must--but then double your work load tomorrow or fall behind your schedule. You can't go wrong with PTP combined with PTM.

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